عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 19-12-2010, 09:36 PM   #6
سليمان الذويخ
عضو اللجنة الإستشارية لمقاطعة
الصورة الرمزية سليمان الذويخ
رقـم العضويــة: 16299
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2010
المشـــاركـات: 1,177


مع الشكر للأخت مواطنه عايشه التي جعلتنا نبحث قليلا
مع اني اتذكر انه في العام 1396 هـ قمنا بتحضيره في المعمل
واتذكر ان المدرس وهو من جنسية عربية .. رفض ان يستنشقه احد الطلبه
حيث ان الطالب اراد ان يجربه من باب الدعابة ولكن المدرس رفض بشدة
قائلا : وما يدريني عن سبب الضحك !؟ فقد يكون مؤثرا عليك مستقبلا !


الغاز المضحك يعرف بأكسيد النيتروز وقد
اكتشفه بريستلي عام 1772 وهو غاز عديم اللون وله رائحة مقبولة , وطعم حلو
خفيف , واستنشاقه له تأثير مخدر وإذا استمر استنشاقه مدة طويلة فقد يسبب
الموت بينما إذا استنشق بكميات صغيرة فإنه يسبب ضحكاً هستيرياً ولهذا
يسمى الغاز المضحك .
وفي عام 1799 حدث أن استنشق مكتشف هذا الغاز مايزيد على خمسة عشر
لتراُ منه , وهاكم ماسجله في رسالة في ذلك الوقت عبر فيها عما حدث له من
جراء ذلك :" يبدو أنه يساعد على الحياة أكثر من غاز الأكسجين , ولقد
أسكرني حتى ثملت منه , ولم يحدث غاز الأكسجين النقي أي تغيير في نبضي
ولا أي مادة أخرى بينما رفع هذا نبضي إلى 20ضربة زيادة وجعلني أرقص
في المعمل كرجل ذي جنة
ماحدث للآخرين عندمااستنشقوا كميات من هذا الغاز , لقد استنشقه
ثلاثة من الرجال فجعل الأولي رقص والثاني يضحك والثالث يثور ,
كما استنشقته إحدى الحسناوات فجعلها تطلقساقيها للريح وظنت أنها بلغت درجة من

الخفة بحيث اوشكت أن تطير ..
ولكن هل يمكن الحصول على الغاز المضحك نقيا لأغراض التخدير؟
يمكن ذلك بإمراره في محلول كبريتات الحديدوز للتخلص من أكسيد النيتريك ثم
في محلول الصودا الكاوية لامتصاص فوق أكسيد النيتوجين وللتخلص من آثار
الكلور (الذي يوجد كشوائب في نترات الأمونيوم )ويجمع الغاز فوق الزئبق أو
الماء الساخن وقد ظل هذا الغاز مستعملاً في التخدير مدة طويلة ..
ولكن نظراً للآثار الضارة التي تعقب استعماله والتي تتمثل في الضحك
الهستيري فقد قل استخدامه عن ذي قبل

Nitric Oxide Side Effects

Though nitric oxide has several positive benefits, before taking nitric oxide boosters or supplements, people should know about the side effects that it can cause. Usually, it is not very severe and disappears as the body gets adjusted to it. However, carelessness while taking it can cause serious damage to the body, sometimes even leading to the death of a person.
  • The common nitric oxide bodybuilding side effects that you may experience during the initial days after consuming it, include headache and nausea. Along with it, you may also feel fatigue or extreme weakness. Diarrhea is also one of the nitric oxide boosters side effects.
  • Some people have reported to have fainted after taking these supplements. Other than this, it is also common to experience certain discomfort due to rapid heart rate and palpitations, dry mouth, skin irritation, and water retention in the body.
  • Dangerous side effects of nitric oxide supplements taken in large doses include wheezing, breathing problems, itching, vomiting, tremors, hives, asthma, etc. One can also experience severe sweating, and tremors after taking nitric oxide supplements.
  • Other than these, overdose of nitric oxide supplements, even the body's over production of nitric oxide can lead to severe health problems. Extremely high amount of nitric oxide is produced in the body when a person is suffering from blood poisoning. Due to this, the blood pressure of the person goes down below normal level, leading to his/her death.
  • In the same way, when a person suffers from a stroke, the nerve cells stop receiving oxygen, due to which the body produces large amount of nitric oxide which attacks the neurons in the brain, causing death of the person.
Experts are of the opinion that there are very less chances of nitric oxide side effects, if one takes the correct dosage. You have to read the instructions given on the label very carefully before taking these supplements. Initially, start with a very less dose, gradually increasing your intake as you see less side effects and more benefits. If you experience any of the severe side effects, do not waste time to consult your physician. Even before taking these nitric oxide boosters or supplements, discuss with your health practitioner. Women who are pregnant or nursing their babies, and those who have heart and liver problems, should refrain from taking nitric oxide supplements, as it is toxic for their body.
By Deepa Kartha


Nitrous Oxide Side Effects Are Pretty Scary

What is Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide Side Effects are pretty scary, but no one else is going to tell you about them, so be forewarned before you go in for any dental procedures. Nitrous Oxide, also called 'Laughing Gas' or Dental Anesthesia is a gas that is often given for dental procedures and other 'minor' medical procedures to provide mild relaxation for the procedure.

Unlike other types of medical sedation, nitrous oxide side effects are considered so rare and it is considered so safe that when the gas is given, there is no monitoring equipment used and no second practitioner to watch over the patient if anything were to go wrong. In fact, it has even been given to patients for home use when families or home care nurses need to regularly perform painful procedures such as dressing changes.
Nitrous oxide is also used quite frequently as a recreational drug. In this use, it is called 'Laughing Gas'- or more commonly as 'Whippets' because the nitrous oxide drug is obtained from whipping cream canisters.

Nitrous Oxide Side Effects

Very rarely does anyone discuss the Nitrous Oxide Side Effects, even to the patients who will be receiving the sedative. But their ARE side effects of nitrous oxide, and these can be serious, long lasting and even lead to death in rare cases.

Read more: http://www.side-effects-site.com/nit...#ixzz18aE4ZjVl

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